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Russian steel mills pay more attention on domestic market due to ruble appreciation
Source:Xinsteel   Date:2015/3/11

From last November to early February this year, HRC of Russia have increase the price of 4540 rubles / ton (USD73/ton), but impact by the sharp depreciation of the ruble, the export price of HRC still higher than price of the domestic market, steel mills have been actively develop export market.


However, the situation has changed recently, mainly because of the appreciation of the ruble gradually, in one term it decreasing the export competitiveness of Russian resources, continue to be impact by hot rolled coils and slab from CIS, on the other term the price of domestic market begin to increase and higher than the price of export price. So the steel mill plans to pay more attention on domestic market.


Currently, Non-tax price of 2mm HRC in March quoted at 26.2-26.4 thousand rubles / ton (USD 438-442/ton), tax including price of 4mm HRC quoted at 25.7-25.8 thousand rubles/ton (about USD 430-432/ ton).

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